Keep calm and sew!

It is difficult to write a blog at the moment without mentioning what is going on in the world. Covid-19 has had an impact on us all in one way or another. My sincere thoughts go to those who have had the virus and / or lost loved ones at this difficult time.

It is a time for us to be grateful though. Grateful for the key workers and volunteers who are out there keeping us well, safe and supplied . I was going to list them all, but, I am sure I would miss some of the groups of people. Named or not, I am sure they know who they are and I am grateful to all of them for their continued hardwork.

On a more personal level, I am also grateful for my dog, husband, family, friends and for the village community where I live. They make me feel like I ‘belong’ and am not alone.

Some, however, have less to be grateful for and at times like this I reflect on these groups of people. My thoughts are also with them.

I think that is why it is difficult to write about sewing at this time because it seems so superficial. That said, sewing (and indeed many hobbies) can be a wonderful therapy at times like this.

A quick google search highlights many articles discussing the benefits of sewing some of which I have added links to:

I suffer from depression which comes in peeks and toughs. Even with the many, many things I am grateful for, the past few weeks has seen some low points and both sewing and knitting (also a little bit of lace making) has provided a sense of mindless escapism from the news.

The blogs, emails and Facebook messages I have received in the past few weeks both from fellow crafters and small on line retailers have highlighted for me another thing that I should be grateful for – the sewing, knitting and craft community to which I am proud to be a part of.

So, if you have a lot to be grateful for, but are still feeling a bit like your mental well being is on a small downward cycle, try picking up a hobby, old or new, it may help.

I hope you all stay safe and well in the next few weeks and months to come.

Sarah and Ripley x

P.s. If you are finding your mental health is deteriorating, please don’t suffer in silence. Your local GP is still working and you should contact them as soon as possible. If you are reluctant to do this, the Samaritans are a great source of help ( . Click on the ‘How we can help’ icon and for ways to contact them.

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